Saturday, September 27, 2008

Free Community Crime Prevention Seminar

October 13th
At the West Valley Fitness Center
6:30-7:30 PM
Topic: Gang Awareness
Open to all residents of West Valley City
This seminar will introduce participants to the gangs that are most prevalent in West Valley. Participants will also learn how to recognize if their children are participating in a gang and be given some suggestions of programs available to help families whose children are gang members. Detectives will be on hand to answer questions and will have a display of gang

Monday, September 15, 2008

A few things...

There are a few things I'd like to update you all on...
  1. There have been some homes that have had their garages rummaged through & had stuff stolen. They have all been during the day. Please remember to keep your garage doors closed, your car doors locked & your home doors locked. If you see that a neighbor has left their garage door open, please try to call them or go over & knock on their door.
  2. Before you go to bed at night, please check & make sure that your LIGHTS are ON! Porch lights, side lights, motion lights, the lights on the side of your garage...they are statistically proven to deter crime! Also, make sure that your garge door is closed...I drove throught the neighborhood tonight around 10pm & stopped at 6 homes to tell them that their garage door was open. Only 1 person was aware of it being open.
  3. And now for some good news... I saw the contracted contractor spraying the street on 6200 South to mark where the STREET LIGHTS will be placed! Waaahooooooooooooo!

So remember...Lights ON! Garages CLOSED! Be safe...And please, "look out for each other"!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Everyday Heroes

Thank You to our Police & Fire Fighters...
We appreciate all that you do to keep our community safe!