Thursday, July 9, 2009


{Picture from last year's NNO!}
by Kim Martinez
National Night Out
Tuesday, August 4th
6:00 - 8:00 PM
6398 S - 6449 S Pine Valley Lane

Annual children's bike parade (so decorate your bikes, scooters or bigwheels), face painting, Vile of Life information, popsicles, visits from WVC Police & Fire Departments, McGruff & the National Night Knight... Be sure to come & mingle with everyone!
We are asking that you bring a plate of goodies to share with everyone!


**I'm happy to announce, that because of a VERY generous resident, we will be having a HOT DOG dinner!!!
I'll have a donation jar in case anyone wishes to donate a $1 or $2 to help cover costs!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Have you seen the new signs?

Have you seen the new STOP signs?
They are located on Mt. Montana in the intersection of Mt. Montana & High Bluff in the East & West directions. Also, on Mill Valley in the intersection of Mill Valley & Laurel Canyon, in the East & West directions.