Saturday, August 15, 2009


When KSL contacted me about doing a story about my use of "technology" for our neighborhood watch, I had no idea that so many people would visit this blog. I started this blog back in 2007 to help pass the word along to those in our NW's boundaries. I feel it has been an effective tool in communicating with residents! I am thankful for the kind emails people have sent me. For me, Neighborhood Watch is something I feel strongly about. For about 6-7 years, I have been working with city officials about the speed on our street. I am totally going to take advantage of the attention that the blog is receiving to pass on this information that I was given by a West Valley City policeman all those years ago, who is now LT. Merritt. I have handed this flier out to so many people. Please, print it off & hand out to others. I hope it will help to give us all a reminder that we need to slow down in our neighborhoods! :)

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